New York State Parenting Education Partnership
Our mission is to enhance parenting skills, knowledge, and behavior through a strong, statewide network that promotes and improves parenting education. Find the program that is best for you.
1-800-CHILDREN (244-5373)
Parent Education and Awareness Program
A program designed to educate divorcing or separating parents about the impact of their breakup on their children.
25 Beaver Street, Suite 809
New York, N.Y. 10004
(888) 809-2798 (toll free)
Sinergia/Metropolitan Parent Center
Sinergia serves some of New York City’s most vulnerable children, adults with disabilities and their families. It is often the last resort for many individuals with disabilities. (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island)
2082 Lexington Ave, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10035
Phone: 212-643-2840
Toll Free: 866-867-9665
Fax: 212-643-2871
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New York City’s only independent nonprofit organization that works for families and children with all special needs, across all boroughs, to understand, navigate, and access the services needed to ensure that all children have the opportunity to develop their full potential.
116 East 16th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212-677-4650