Higher income guidelines mean that more working families with dependent care expenses are now eligible for food stamps. If you don’t get food stamps now, you may qualify even if you were denied in the past.
If your gross income (before taxes and deductions) is at or below the amounts listed below and you have child or dependent care costs, you may qualify for food stamp benefits.
All “out of pocket“ expenses that you incur for the care of a child under 18 or a disabled adult, so that you can work. This includes co-payments if you receive a child care subsidy.
Any supervised activity, including before and after school for any child under 18 including school vacation, summer camps, YMCA, and Boys/Girls Club fees.
It’s easy. Applications can be downloaded here. You can also call 1-800-342-3009 for more information about how and where to apply, or visit the New York State website. After you apply for food stamps, you’ll need to be interviewed. Most counties can interview you by telephone, so that you don’t have to take time off from work to travel to the food stamp office.
For more information call 1-800-342-3009 or go to www.mybenefits.ny.gov